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About Car Consignment Singapore

We are a company that’s dedicated in providing you with smooth and dependable services car consignment services at the lowest rates as possible.
Our team is dedicated in helping buyers and sellers alike get the best deals through our professional services.

We don’t operate like car dealerships, in fact we’re complete opposites. Unlike car dealerships, we don’t charge stupendous commissions on the seller or the buyer. We provide consignment services at an affordable fixed rate.

CarConsignment.com.sg is a company that’s dedicated in providing you superior car trading services that is comparable to none. As the representative of both the buyer and seller, we make it our priority to provide you with adequate assistance every step of the way – from loan settlements to transfer of ownerships, we’ve got it all taken care of for you.

We know selling or buying a car is a tedious task on it’s own, that’s why we are dedicated in providing you with transparent services. Our services are exactly what we advertise at the price we state, no hidden costs!

CarConsignment.com.sg is composed of veteran car traders who understand the needs of buyers and sellers alike. We are also big car aficionados with a deep understanding of market values.

Our expertise is your upper hand. Call us today at +65 62506696 to find out how we can help you get the best possible deal today. Image Not Found

Why Choose Us


A hallmark of our service, we understand the need for honesty in our business dealings. Our clients are mostly people who feel intimidated due to their lack of knowledge. Many fear being cheated through a bad deal, and thus they are hesitant in their interactions while selling their car. By ensuring that a code of ethics is inculcated into all levels of the organization’s hierarchy, car consignment has developed a culture driven by morals and ethical decision-making.

Customer first!

In many cases, agents attempt to bombard a prospective buyer or seller with industry jargon aimed at intimidating the other party by making them aware of their lack of knowledge. Car consignment does not believe in confrontations while conducting business deals. We make a special effort to maintain courteous relations with all our clients, all the while ensuring that we strike a fair deal that the client would find acceptable.

Streamlined processes

We don’t require our clients to dedicate any more time than is absolutely necessary to the business of selling the car. We have digitized our systems to ensure that everything is easily accessible. Once the wheels are set in motion by the client who fills in a request form, our seasoned experts take the wheel and ensure the smooth processing of all phases of the business thus ensuring a smooth ride for the client.

Need assistance whether to sell or consign? Let us help you!


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